A progressive fast & easy-to-use framework for your Firebase projects

Perfect for your Javascript/Firebase project.
You have the design, Swallow gives you the code

A framework build for the fastest cloud service provider that allows developers build better apps and grow successfully.

Data binding/Routing

Easy route declaration with a good data-binding experience

Easy Firebase Integration

Use Modern web platform capabilities to deliver app-like experiences

Progressive Web App

Firebase made easy with already made functions that models an ORM


Create and use components easily using a sleek methodology

We’ve created a framework to help you kick start your firebase project faster and better

The most important parts of the Swallow.Js Framework are the simple included set of different functions. Swallow.Js is built on these components PathJs for routing, MustacheJs for view and depend more on Firebase for data-source, and also build-in server side request for your regular JSON calls.